Kindergarten Counselor

Kim Allred

Kim Allred

Office Hours and Contact Information:

Ozark Kindergarten Center:  8:00 – 3:30

Phone number: (479) 667-3021

My name is Kim Allred, and I am the counselor at Ozark Kindergarten Center.  Welcome to my page.  I have been in education at the Ozark Public Schools since January of 1990.  Before becoming a counselor I taught first grade. As a school counselor I work with students in on Social Emotional Learning (SEL), character education, conflict resolution, friendship and so much more. I also see students individually and in small groups.

As a School Counselor, I am an advocate for children and assist administrators, staff, teachers and families.  I hope to enable our students to achieve their goals and to become responsible, productive and enthusiastic life-long learners. 


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