OUE Counselor

Lynn Burns

Lynn Burns

 Office Hours and Contact Information:

Ozark Upper Elementary:  8:00 – 3:30


Phone number: (479) 667-3464

Hello!  My name is Lynn Burns and I am the counselor for Ozark Upper Elementary.  I knew at an early age that I wanted to be an educator.  My mother is in education, as are both of her sisters, so to say that I am blessed with three of the best advocates for students would be an understatement! 

I knew I wanted to be a school counselor because I had the greatest school counselor, Mike Gibbons, Sr.  He loved every student, he loved their stories, and he treasured the time he spent with them; the passion he had for school counseling impacted me as a high school student, and continues to impact me today as a counselor.  I truly believe I have the BEST job in the world!  

As a school counselor, I do daily classroom guidance lessons, as well as individual and small group sessions.  I advocate for students by working with administrators, faculty, families, and staff to help meet the needs of the whole child; aiding in their development into lifelong learners.